Walking like a big man now

I won a grammar fight today.

I was explaining that titles, when used as a standalone, are not capitalized. My opponent was falling into the common error of asserting that they are uppercase when they are used in reference to a specific person.

Incorrect: I believe the Congressman has taken an extreme position.

Correct: I believe the congressman has taken an extreme position.

Correct: I believe that Congressman Robert Smith has taken an extreme position.

It is a common error, but still an error. I believe it would be correct in German, but we don’t speak German.

(Ironically, I noticed the error but said I wasn’t going to insist on correcting it; and then after finding the Modern Language Association was on my side, she went and fixed it.)

Haven’t had a grammar argument like that since my time at the newspaper. She even pulled out the MLA stylebook to show me that I was wrong, only to concede the point to me.

About maradanto

La Maradanto komencis sian dumvivan ŝaton de vojaĝado kun la hordoj da Gengiso Kano, vojaĝante sur Azio. En la postaj jaroj, li vojaĝis per la Hindenbergo, la Titaniko, kaj Interŝtata Ĉefvojo 78 en orienta Pensilvanio.
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