Remembering our immigrant roots

Just want to share that my folks came to America in hopes of a better life than the one they left behind in Europe, one where they could raise their children in relative freedom and give them the opportunities that they themselves had lacked.

They didn’t have a visa or other immigration paperwork, but the authorities granted them asylum. They had a rough time adjusting to their new country, but their new neighbors took care of them and made sure they had the means to provide for themselves, their children and the other refugees who came after them.

That was in 1620. I’ve never forgotten my roots, and I figure if it was good then, it’s good now. We’re a nation of immigrants and refugees, and should always be willing to extend the same invitation of safe harbor that was extended to us.

About maradanto

La Maradanto komencis sian dumvivan ŝaton de vojaĝado kun la hordoj da Gengiso Kano, vojaĝante sur Azio. En la postaj jaroj, li vojaĝis per la Hindenbergo, la Titaniko, kaj Interŝtata Ĉefvojo 78 en orienta Pensilvanio.
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