A time when garlic ruled the world

I have about 30 bulbs of garlic planted for next year in my hugelkultur bed. I wonder if that’s enough.

As everyone knows when it comes to garlic, it’s always better to have too much than too little.  Perhaps if I save every clove I get from this harvest, then I’ll have enough next fall to rip up the lawn entirely, and replace it with bulbs of garlic.

Of course, one thought suggests another, and now I’m imagining a terraforming accident where the only plant established on a world is garlic, and by the time colonists arrive, garlic has evolved and speciated to fill all the ecological roles of plants.

Picture forests of garlic with stalks eighty feet high; along the shore, desalinating garlic that grows in the sand, prevents erosion and provides shelter for nesting gulls; garlic with wide shoots that wave along the floor of the forest when a breeze disturbs the air; garlic that grows in the ocean in mats or with long plumy stalks; meadows of perennial garlic that bloom every year and brightly colored annual garlic that self-seeds.

Thanks to speciation, there would be a wide range of flavors: sweet garlic, bitter garlic, pungent garlic, a largely tasteless garlic you could mill to make flour….

One wonders how the herbivores would adapt.

About maradanto

La Maradanto komencis sian dumvivan ŝaton de vojaĝado kun la hordoj da Gengiso Kano, vojaĝante sur Azio. En la postaj jaroj, li vojaĝis per la Hindenbergo, la Titaniko, kaj Interŝtata Ĉefvojo 78 en orienta Pensilvanio.
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